A European double-degree network aimed at educating insect pathologists to understand and prevent infectious diseases in mass-reared insects for a variety of purposes (Food and Feed, Pest Biocontrol, Sterile Insect Techniques, Organic Waste Management)
Purpose of the network
The INSECT DOCTORS network trains promising young scientists to develop the knowledge, technical skills and tools to diagnose and manage disease problems in commercial insect production systems. INSECT DOCTORS is a European Joint Doctoral Programme (EJD) funded in the framework of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN programme. The programm started in 2019 and runs till November 1, 2024. The programme is based on close interaction between the academic and industrial sectors. We are very happy with the 15 PhD candidates in this training network and how they have executed their research projects. About half of the candidates have completed their training and meanwhile successully defended their PhD thesis. The others are nearing their PhD thesis submission date.

Have a look at the latest developments
- PhD defenses
- Recent papers
- LIfe after PhD (coming-up)
The program involved 8 Universities, 3 Research Insitutes, 4 companies and 1 international organisation.
Have a look at the Research Projects carried out by the 15 PhD students supported by their supervising teams.
To see all our peer-reviewed Open Access Publications, please visit our EU Cordis-page

This project has received financial support from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement 859850.